I have been following the Conan VS NBS/Jay Leno situation pretty closely. Conan has been a favorite late night host of mine for like 15 years. The other night on his show he said that he was selling the Tonight Show on Craigslist. I thought that was funny, and responded to the ad with the following:
My Dear Conan,
I would like to buy your Tonight Show. I took a good long look at my bank accounts and have decided to make you a solid offer: $75 (I could offer more, but $75 is a check you can actually take to the bank). In addition to that generous offer I also offer you the joy that comes with having a brand new bff (although I think this term is considered 90’s and has been replaced with “bestie”). In the unlikely event that my monies are inadequate, I can still offer you the best friend slot. I might even prefer that since I live in Pennsylvania and you may be moving back to the East Coast (hello, if given a choice, how could you not choose the right coast). I have been to LA and hated it. Highways. Planet Hollywoods. Meh.
A little about myself:
I am 30.
I am a veteran.
I graduate with a bachelor’s in Speech Communication this May.
I have not had a job in 18 months by choice. I live off the GI Bill, student loans, money I got in my divorce that I should have saved for retirement or a house down-payment but decided to instead squander on not having to wait tables at Chili’s during a recession while I finished school. But what started as a good reason has blossomed into an addicition. Not working is really fun. After I graduate I need to get a job. But I have such a good thing going here...I am sorry to see it go. How can I get money but still do whatever I want?
I am a dog-lover and child skeptic. I like my niece and nephew, but only when they are pretty and good. When they are dirty and bad, I start looking for the “mute” or “pause” or “off” button, but have not yet figured that out. To clarify,“off” like “sleep,” not “off” like “kill.”

Although I would love to be a skinny-minny like my freaking sisters, I find that food tastes good. Also, exercising dries out my hair (sweat= the need for a shower….its a mess, why do it?) So maybe I am more plump than the average TV personality. But if Andy and Oprah can do it, why can’t I? Plus, since when was it sexy to be able to see bone on a woman’s chest (Kelly Ripa, I like you. You look hungry. I have made you a delicious sandwich. Go ahead my love…eat.) Also, the late night line up could use a lady touch I think.
You are the only comedian that has ever made me horse laugh every time I watch your show(s). My sister and I used to stay up late to watch your Late Night show in junior high and high school, holding our sides, laughing until it hurt you are so funny. So seriously: 1. Best Friendship. 2. I will be the next Tonight Show host for $75.
Forever Yours,
PS- Conan, do you want to call me so that we can get to know each other over the phone first? I thought so: 325-370-4245.
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