Thursday, January 7, 2010

Oh, Florida

Dear Friends,

Jon and I tried to extend the relaxation of the holiday season by taking a vacation in West Palm Beach Florida this week. We did not have an agenda for the four days. We just wanted to lay on the beach & relax. We each brought several books and looked forward to the warmer climate.
Crabby old Mother Nature had other plans though. The temperatures peaked at 60 degrees and went into the 30's at night. We did our best to enjoy the warmER weather, but it did suck that for the few hours a time we were able to be outside, we were bundled in sweaters.
In addition to the unseasonablly cold weather (for Florida), our hotel had construction crews in multiple rooms right near ours. The sounds of hammers, drills and apparently a jackhammer at one point echoed through our room when we were trying to take afternoon naps or sit on the balcony. Boo!

Highlights: -Flying the screaming eagle kite. -Having one Jon rescue said kite from the ocean. -Seeing Avatar in 3D. It got horrible reviews and I don't care: I loved it. -Ordering room service and staying in being lazy Sunday night. -Monday's delicious 2 hour nap. I love Hilton's sheets: so comfy. -Getting away with my mans.

Lowlights: -Cold winds. -Crying children. -Tuesday's four hour nap: too long. I wasted too much time sleeping and hate waking up after it has been dark for a while. -Non-existent Einstein Bros. Bagels and mystical tennis courts we were never able to find. -AirTran: disorganized!

It was a nice, restful trip even though I am not tan. I missed Spencer and am looking forward to the rest of this weekend with Jon before he goes back to work. Next week I plan to visit my Grandmom, take Spencer and his Snuggie to the park, go to the gym, finish my holiday reading (I don't let myself read for pleasure while I'm in school since there is so much school reading I should-- and generally won't-- be doing) and visit with a few friends.

2010 will be a good year.

-I finish school in May and will hopefully be gainfully employed by June.
-I am planning to go to Israel to visit my dear friend Dalia for a week or two in May.
-I may go back down to Florida in March to visit my dad's parents over Spring Break. Pop pop is supposed to have knee replacement surgery in the next few months and is not a great patient. Self-involved as I am, I can be pretty entertaining in a pinch. Perhaps an oldest granddaughter is what is needed to lift the spirits of a man who (at 72) grouchily shouts, "Golden years my ass!" In my senior years I hope to be more like my mom's mother who turns 90 on February 1. She is a true matriarch and I admire her very much. She got cancer at 80, but decided it was not going to be what got her and she has been cancer free for like 8 years. I want to tackle all of life's problems with that kind of bravery.
-I will welcome a new niece/nephew in March. Jon welcomes his first niece in April. Hooray for babies!

Unless they are crying on a plane.

I love you all.
Regina Van Winkle.

PS: In other news, I watched my first episode of Big Love last week and I am hooked. It is my new favorite show.

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