Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good-day to you, 2009.

It is the last day of 2009. New Years Eve and for the first time in since I can remember I have no plans. Perhaps its ok since I am 30 now. Plus it snowed today & we just got two documentaries in the mail from Netflix. No need to go out. We could just stay in our pajamas on the couch, have a cold brew and go to bed at 12:15. For the record, it is mid-afternoon and I am still in my pajamas.
Spencer & I played in the snow while Jon shovelled the driveway and sidewalk. I would have helped but we only have one shovel. And he is better at it than me. Now the three of us are lounging, pre-nap, watching the end of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Spencer is snoring, Jon & I are enjoying a cold brew.
Who needs a fancy night out on the town when they have cable and a six-pack?

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dream a little dream

I am a dreamer. I have several dreams that I at least partially remember every night. Although repeating them to another person is a good idea in theory, something always gets lost in translation. It is difficult to relay the vividness of a dream, the intentions and feelings, to another person.

I think this also applies to dreams we have while we are awake. Sometimes a real-life dream is shared with another person and they are not able to support the dream, listing instead what could go wrong, or reasons to not pursue the dream. That's ok, it is not their dream- it is mine alone, to do with what I choose...

I am cutting this short because I need to take Sir Spencer Rooney to the vet for a shot. I wonder what he dreams about. I love when he sleeps and makes little puppy noises like he is reunited with his doggy mother or something.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Speaking of....

I am from a family of nappers. One of my earliest memories is of standing beside my parents' bed watching them sleep. My mother's idea of a perfect day off is to sleep in and stay in her pajamas all day.
The carpet in the living room of my parents' house is plush and soft. My siblings and I have taken many naps on that carpet, basking in the warmth of the afternoon sun. In August Jon, Spencer, Dalia and I laid blankets and pillows down on that floor and napped while dinner was being made.
Yawning now...more to come on this subject.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear Readers,

I will be thirty at the end of October. I have been looking forward to it, happy to have the age to go with the gray hairs that are multiplying all over my head.

I spent my twenties staying up too late, watching too much TV, drinking too much beer and sleeping in too late. I plan to spend my thirties and the rest of my life pursuing goals and making a contribution (however small) to the world in which I live.

I am in my last year of college. In May 2010 I will receive my bachelor's degree in Speech Communications. This seems as good a time as any to begin to document the goals that I have for my life and the dreams I have for my future now that I am awake from my years of average, bored, listless complacency.

Regina Van Winkle