The job search has begun. I graduate in just a few months and have begun to send my resume out and about. Fingers crossed that I find something that is fulfilling. Or at least something that I do not hate. :) I have begun to get work clothes and am trying to be proactive in the search for this job. But it is ok if the job finds me.
This Pennsylvania winter is the coldest and snowiest winter I ever remember. It has snowed more than 2 feet twice, and over one foot in December. My space heater has been working overtime. Spring is a month away, but I wonder if all the snow will be melted by then. Perhaps not.
My nephew Naftali will be 3 on the 26th. He has been telling everyone that he has a birthday coming up. My brother is going to throw a birthday party inviting all of Naftali's little boy friends where they will wear horns on their heads and he will read them the story of the Billy Goats Gruff. Cutest.
Naftali will be a big brother in about a month (it is old news to Orla). We are all excited about the new baby. Hooray. Jon and I have a small wager going on what the sex of the baby will be. I think girl, he thinks boy. Did anyone ever thank heaven for little boys? No, and there is a song to prove it. (Although if they did it would be for Naffers).
I had a dream last night that I ran a marathon. But I kept stopping to take breaks, talk to people and have snacks.
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