Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sweet sweet slumber

Jon officially moved out on Friday. I scheduled a day of fun activities away from the house so that I would not have to witness the move. I agreed to watch Sammich for a few days so that Jon could unpack his things in peace. Tonight I am delivering Sammich to Jon's new apartment (across the street from the Capital building and one block from his work) and we are exchanging goodbye gifts.
My mom and I took Spencer and Sammich to the dog park today. Sammich befriended a Great Dane, Spencer humped every dog that would let him and I befriended a woman about my age named Meghan. I suggested to my mom that maybe I would have a heterosexual life partnership with a woman since men are so tricky. She agreed that women are easier to understand and that she had read about women sharing lives together for the companionship without necessarily being lesbians.
I like the idea, although I am all talk. I have the energy for nothing beyond watching TV and occasionally showering right now. I usually manage the energy for one thing (for example: one job interview) and then need to go home and take a 4 hour nap. I look forward to the day when I feel more like myself again.

1 comment:

  1. Those days will come again. Your naps will be shorter and your life will be full once more. It will just take some time.

    Love you!

