Sunday, June 13, 2010


A friend I have known for 12 years just told me that she had always dreamed of writing books. We have a close friendship (in my estimation) but I did not know that about her. Often so much of our interaction with others involves temporal matters and we do not talk about our hopes and desires for our life.

I just finished reading The Alchemist. My sister Bethany gave it to me as a gift like 5 years ago and I had never read it. A few weeks ago I piled all of the books I own that I have not read on my nightstand (there are like 20). Some I have started to read and never finished because they do not interest me. Others, like this one, I have just been putting off reading. Now that I am done with school I am going to read all of those books, even the ones I did not initially care books left behind!

The Alchemist talks about how everyone has a Personal Legend that they must accomplish in order to have fulfilled their destiny. In the book children know what their Personal Legends are, what they dream of doing and becoming in their lifetimes. But throughout life other people and experiences tell them that those dreams are not possible and they wind up not fullfilling their life's purpose. Although this was technically fiction, I thought it was really thought-provoking.

Do you remember the dreams you had for your life as a child? Are you pursuing them? Have them come true? If not, did you let go of your dreams or just make new dreams?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think sometimes our dreams change as we get older and find new dreams to make. I always dreamed of being an actress, but when I began to pursue it, I discovered I had stage fright. But I also discovered my love of "creating" the character which led me to makeup. So it was a win-win situation! (from Jess Johnson :-))
