Six weeks ago my sister Bethany visited for 5 days. She lives in Chicago and I had not seen her in a year. I picked her up from the airport and 10 minutes into the drive home it felt like our spirits synced up again. Here's to a lifetime of being there for one another (you too, Ben & Lauren).
Growing up Beth & I were only 2 grades apart and often shared (and occasionally feuded over) friends. As adults this is still true (we no longer feud over ladies we love...we share so nicely, Mom). Two days into her visit we were out with a group of girlfriends at Lancaster Dispensing Company. After a few stories were told about nieces and nephews we realized every woman at the table was a proud aunt and that none of us were mothers. We laughed about this, took a few pictures and dubbed the group Aunts Club.
One month later I am still thinking about that night. Two things stand out. The first is the obvious one: being an aunt is awesome. When I moved back to Lancaster 4.5 years ago Orla was 3 years old and Kara was 8 months pregnant with Naftali. In such a short amount of time Orla has blossomed from an adorable, chubby toddler to a big girl who just finished first grade and is so smart and athletic and beautiful. Naftali is imaginative and stubborn. He figures things out and has amazing coordination. Newest edition Ursa Honey is a perfect delight. Her laugh, her faltering steps, her delight at the world...Le Sigh. Aunthood. Thanks, Ben & Kara.
The second thing: this community of women with whom I share fun and fears, heartbreak and hijinks, love and loss. And amazing alliteration. I love them for their individuality and desire for authenticity. I share in their desire to follow their bliss rather than subscribe to a societal ideal.
I am honored to partake in this community of women with generous, rich, textured lives. We make time for one another. We get each other birthday presents. We talk about books we have read and political issues we care about. We pore over Vogue and shop at thrift stores. We help one another move and support each other's causes. We accept flaws and praise strengths.
I look forward to the long lives our friendships will have. I look forward to sharing in the various stages of my life with my fellow Aunts Club members. My heart is full.