I have been single since last September. I have been enrolled in 1 or 2 dating websites since October. I love to meet new people and kind of love first dates. I have zero expectations. If it goes well, then I have a potential love interest or a new friend. If it goes horribly I have fodder for excellent stories with which I entertain my friends.
A few days ago I messaged a guy to check out my profile and write back if he was interested. He did and we messaged a few times. Wednesday night I gave him my phone number and yesterday he contacted me. I have documented our communication as a cautionary tale to any who care to read:
10:10 am I missed a call from the guy, Jeff. He left a long message apologizing if he had left me any rude messages the night before. He had not....
10:50 am I text him: Hi. Sorry I missed ur call. I did not receive any other communication from you yesterday so you are in the clear.
I then left to go to work until 9 pm and forgot to take my phone with me.
11:55 am He texts me: I like what I hear.
4:30 pm He texts me: Hey, I'm free Saturday now anytime. Do you think you could do something? :) I'll call you later.
4:31 pm He texts me: Had plans with someone for a first date meeting an hour and a half away. On second thought, nah. ..So I canceled.
5:48 pm He texts me: Alrighty maybe I shouldn't call later since you're not responding. I thought it was a good gesture to cancel plans to be with you. I'm a dork obviously.
6:00 pm He called and left a normal sounding voicemail that he wanted to call me before he went out to dinner with friends.
6:39 pm He texts me: Makes me pretty upset when a girl says call me and misses it and apologizes via text and doesn't answer subsequent calls but another to make someone feel like you're playing mind games. So I'm not available on Saturday anymore. Peace.
9:40 pm I leave him a message saying that I had left my phone at home while I was at work and that I did not think he had reason to get upset since we have never met.
10:03 pm I Text him: As my vm explains, I left my phone at home and was at work. I think you overreacted- we do not know each other.
11:06 pm He texts me: Ok, I'm impatient sometimes. It overcomes any common sense I have and I figured you were at work or something. Still awake?
11:07 pm I text: Yes
11:10 pm He tries to call me but my phone does not ring.
11:11 pm He texts: I can't text marathon. I don't like it. But we can talk another time since you are not available again evidently. Lol.
11:12 pm You're right. We don't know each other, so call me back if you want- I'll be up for a bit.
11:12 pm I call and we talk for a few minutes. He had apologized for jumping to conclusions but I still felt cautious. I did agree to meet him on Tuesday. When he asked why I did not sound excited and got upset when I did not have a response that suited his idea of what I should say. There were too many red flags so I canceled the date. He hung up on me.
The rest of this communication if from him, I did not respond at all. Caution: strong language.
11:30 pm Jesus Christ someone has a fucking temper on her...why would I be excited to go on a date with someone who sounds like a fucking bitch? Ooooh, she agreed to meet...
11:31 pm I'm all fucking excited while you sound like a bitch on the phone. Why don't you try sounding happy, or like you could give a shit instead of uh huhs as responses.
11:32 pm I'm so sick of bitches like you. I bet you think you could fight a man too because you're tough. And probably think "I don't need a man" either. Well fuck you.
11:33 pm Why don't you lighten the fuck up and stop being a combative cunt like you were in your first email to me. "Tell me more" you say! Ha ha fuck you bitch, see ya.
11:34 pm You have that fucking tone of voice because of men who treat you like the fucking cunt you are. It's all your fault, why don't you try harder to act NICE and maybe you wouldn't be single dating fucking SCUM!